Chinese Herbal Medicine Information & Consents

1) Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM): A Comprehensive Natural Approach

Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) is a holistic, natural system of healing that addresses not only the symptoms you experience but also the root causes of illness and imbalance. By targeting your unique constitution and specific health concerns, CHM aims to restore harmony within your body.

How CHM Works: The primary functions of CHM include enhancing circulation, reducing inflammation, regulating the digestive system, and calming the nervous system. These actions collectively promote overall well-being and support the body’s innate ability to heal.

Understanding Chinese Herbs: Plant, Mineral, and Animal Origins

The Chinese Materia Medica features over 450 medicinal substances, predominantly of plant origin, but also includes mineral and animal-based components. These herbs are derived from various plant parts, such as roots, berries, leaves, flowers, stems, rhizomes, and barks. The rich diversity and complexity of these natural compounds are what make them so effective as therapeutic agents.

Synergistic Healing: Chinese herbal formulas are carefully crafted combinations of multiple herbs designed to work together for a synergistic therapeutic effect. When prescribed by a qualified Chinese herbalist, these formulas are customized to meet your individual health needs, addressing both immediate symptoms and underlying conditions. By working holistically, these formulas help restore balance, enhance your natural healing processes, and promote long-term health.

Efficacy of CHM: The effectiveness of Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) is consistently supported by modern research, demonstrating its value in treating a wide range of conditions affecting the respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous, skeletal, muscular, digestive, urogenital, reproductive, endocrine, and immune systems.

2) Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) Treatment

Your CHM Journey: Choosing Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) is a meaningful step toward achieving a more balanced and healthy life. Understanding what to expect during the initial stages of treatment will help ensure a smooth and effective experience.

The Dynamic Nature of Chinese Herbal Treatment: Chinese herbal treatment is both dynamic and personalized, with each custom herbal formula carefully crafted to address your specific health concerns. As your symptoms change, your herbal prescription will be adjusted accordingly. These modifications are a key aspect of CHM, reflecting its ability to adapt to your evolving needs.

Stages of Treatment: CHM treatment typically unfolds in three stages:

Phase 1: Relief – The initial focus is on alleviating primary and secondary symptoms. This phase usually lasts 1-2 months, during which you can expect to feel 50-85% better.

Phase 2: Stabilization – The goal here is to address the root cause of the illness or imbalance. During months 3-4, this phase works to solidify your progress, reinforcing an 85% or greater improvement.

Phase 3: Maintenance – In this final phase, the emphasis is on strengthening the immune system, maintaining overall health, and preventing disease. This ongoing phase begins after 4 months and is designed to support your continued improvement and overall well-being.

Expected Results with CHM: In acute cases, improvements can often be seen within a 1/2 day to 3 days. For chronic conditions, it may take 3-4 weeks to notice initial benefits, with full herbal treatment possibly extending from 3-9 months depending on the condition’s severity and duration.

3) Administration Guidelines

CHM in Granule Form for Maximum Benefit: Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) in granule form is a modern, convenient way to take traditional herbal formulas. Granules are made by concentrating the active ingredients of raw herbs into a powdered form, which is then easy to dissolve in hot water. This method preserves the therapeutic benefits of the herbs while simplifying their preparation and consumption.

Recommendations for Taking Your Herbs

  • Measure the dosage: Use the exact amount of granules prescribed by your practitioner.
  • Take consistently: Take your herbal formula at the times recommended by your practitioner, typically 2 or 3 times daily, to ensure a consistent effect on the body.
  • Hydrate well: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to help the herbs circulate in your body and enhance their effectiveness.  
  • Timing: Take herbs on an empty stomach with warm water, unless otherwise directed.
  • Digestive Discomfort: If digestive discomfort occurs (e.g., upset stomach), herbs may be taken with food to ease symptoms.
  • Consistency: Consistency in taking prescribed doses is more important than timing them in relation to meals.
  • Medication Separation: Ensure herbs are taken at least 2 hours apart from any medications being used.

Methods for Taking Herbal Granules

  • Dissolve in hot water: Stir the granules into a cup of hot water until they are fully dissolved. Drink the mixture warm to support digestion and absorption.
  • Sublingual Herbal Granule Method: Place the prescribed amount of granules directly under your tongue, then gently swallow with plenty of water for optimal absorption.

 4) Effects of Chinese Herbal Medicine

Understanding Initial Side Effects: As your body adjusts to the herbs, you may experience mild digestive disturbances such as upset stomach, bloating, gas, loose stools, or constipation. These symptoms are usually temporary and should resolve within a few days to a week. For women, a temporary increase in menstrual flow or changes in its appearance may occur, indicating a more thorough shedding of the uterine lining. Additionally, an increase in bowel movements, urination, or perspiration is considered a positive response to the herbal treatment.

Reporting Side Effects: While CHM is generally safe, it is essential to inform your practitioner of any severe or persistent side effects. These may include ongoing digestive discomfort, bowel issues, new onset of spontaneous sweating, disrupted sleep, headaches, mood changes, or significant alterations in menstrual patterns. Such symptoms could indicate the need for adjustments to your herbal formula.

5) Safety and Quality in Chinese Herbal Medicine

When administered by a professionally trained Traditional Chinese & East Asian Medicine (TCEAM) practitioner, Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) is generally safe. Although the likelihood of interactions between herbs and prescription medications is low, it is essential to inform your practitioner of any current medications, supplements, or allergies during your initial consultation.

Regulation and Quality Assurance: In the United States, Chinese herbs and formulas are classified as dietary supplements and are regulated by the FDA. These products must adhere to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) enforced by the FDA, which include testing for heavy metals, pesticides, and toxic substances.

At the professional level, the herbal medicines I use are pharmaceutical-grade and undergo rigorous testing for purity. I source these herbal products from trusted suppliers who are committed to the highest standards of quality and safety, ensuring that you receive only the best and most effective treatments.

Finding a Qualified Chinese Herbalist: To ensure safe and effective treatment, seek out practitioners who have completed an accredited Chinese Herbal Medicine program or are certified by the National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncturists & Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). Always feel confident in asking about your practitioner’s training and credentials.

 6) Consents & Agreements

Patient Responsibility & Communication Agreement for Herbal Treatment

Personal Responsibility for Healthcare: I acknowledge that I hold the ultimate responsibility for my own healthcare. I agree to provide my practitioner with complete and accurate information regarding my 

Allergies and Preferences: I understand that it is my duty to inform my practitioner of any known allergies or preferences regarding the exclusion of animal products in my herbal prescriptions.

Pregnancy Notification: I recognize that certain herbs may be unsuitable during pregnancy, and I accept responsibility for notifying my practitioner immediately if I am pregnant or suspect that I may be pregnant.

Reporting Issues: If I experience any issues that I believe are related to the herbal medicine provided, I agree to contact my practitioner without delay.

Medical Emergencies: In the event of a medical emergency, a worsening of my condition, or the onset of a new condition, I commit to seeking immediate care from a licensed physician or other appropriate medical professionals.

Herbal Treatment Consent Agreement

Commitment to Treatment: I recognize that my adherence to the treatment plan presented by my practitioner is essential for achieving the best possible outcome.

Appointment and Treatment Compliance: I agree to keep all scheduled appointments, arrive on time, and take the prescribed herbal formulas as instructed.

Practitioner’s Dedication: I understand that my practitioner is dedicated to my health and well-being and is committed to providing the best possible treatment for me.

Outcome Disclaimer: I acknowledge that my practitioner cannot guarantee any specific outcome or result from the treatments provided.

Practitioner Disclaimer: I understand that my practitioner cannot foresee all potential interactions or side effects, but makes every effort to minimize risks and avoid any adverse interactions between herbs, supplements, medications or known allergens.

Scope of Consent: I intend for this consent form to cover the entire course of treatment for my current condition(s) as well as any future condition(s) for which I seek treatment.

Informed Consent: I acknowledge that I have read, or have had read to me, the above consent(s) to herbal treatment and have had an opportunity to ask any questions.

 7) Monthly Herbal Treatment Plan Agreement and Refund Policy

I understand that the cost for each monthly treatment plan is $400, which includes:

  • 4 weekly consultations
  • Ongoing communication between appointments
  • All custom herbal formulas
  • 30-day reevaluations to assess progress and determine the need for continued treatment

Refunds are available for any unused services or funds not yet applied. I am free to discontinue services at any time and for any reason.

8) Conditions Treated with Chinese Herbal Medicine

CHM is versatile, providing natural remedies for a wide range of conditions including, but not limited to:

  • Abdominal Pain
  • Acne
  • Allergies
  • Anxiety
  • Arthritis
  • Autoimmune Disorders
  • Colds and Flu
  • Digestive Issues
  • Headaches and Migraines
  • Hormonal Imbalances
  • Insomnia
  • Menopause and Perimenopause Symptoms
  • Menstrual disorders
  • Stress and Anxiety
  • Skin Conditions
  • Urinary Health
  • Women’s Health Issues