Archive for the Acupuncture Category

Autumn and Chinese Medicine

Autumn and Chinese Medicine

Autumn is finally here! The warm days of summer have past and the trees are letting go of their leaves. It’s time to take stock of what we have & let go of what we don’t need. The slower, colder days of winter are coming and we should prepare with self-care. Now is the time to be taking good care of our immune system to prevent picking up the seasonal Cold or Flu! Acupuncture can strengthen the immune system during the colder months, as well as treat seasonal allergies, sinusitis and help prevent and treat a cold or flu. Come in for your Immune

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12 Areas Acupuncture Helps

12 Areas Acupuncture Helps

Acupuncture has a positive effect on any condition & treats a multitude of symptoms related to the different body systems. Respiratory function: Seasonal allergies, Common cold & flu, Asthma, Breathing difficulties, Sinus problems Circulatory function: Restless leg syndrome, Numbness or tingling, High or Low Blood pressure, Chest pain, Temperature regulation Muscular System: Pain, Tension, Stiffness, Cramping, Spasms, Twitching, Weakness, Swelling, Tendinitis, Range of Motion, Strength, Flexibility Digestive Function & Process: Acid reflux, Constipation, Diarrhea, Abdominal cramping, Gas, Bloating, Belching, Gall Stones, Digestive discomfort Skeletal System: Joint pain/discomfort, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis Connective Tissue: Bursitis, Tendinitis, Degeneration, Contractures Reproductive Function & Processes:

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Why Acupuncture?

Why Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is known to help with many ailments. I have been fortunate enough to help many patients with some of the life altering disorders below. Please take a look and see if you may have a need for acupuncture. Cardiovascular Disorders Essential hypertension Neurological Disorders Cervicobrachial syndrome Disc problems Facial palsy (early stage, within three to six months) Headache and migraine Intercostal neuralgia Meniere’s Disease Neurogenic bladder dysfunction Nocturnal enuresis Paresis following stroke Peripheral neuropathies Trigeminal neuralgia Musculo-skeletal Disorders Arthritis Fibromyalgia “Frozen shoulder”, “tennis elbow” Localized traumatic injuries, sprains, strains, tendonitis, contractures Low back pain Muscle pain, swelling, stiffness and

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